Monday, April 27, 2009

The biggest and better accident of my life (until now)

I finished the secondary school with seventeen years. I was a good student, and also I got a high score in the university admission test then, my family, class mates, and teachers was expected about what I will study. All of them wanted the best for me.

While all people spoke about my future, and also about the brilliant professional career that I would have, I did not know what I wanted to study. I remember teacher called by phone to my parent in order to say them “You must support to your child in this important decision, he has a good score and did not to lost it”.

I was interesting in Industrial Engineering, Law, and Economy. All were interesting for me, because I looked how successful were this professionals, but I was not sure about one of them. A day, before application deadline, I met two my father’s friend who are Public Accountants and Auditors. I told them about my indecision, and they invited me to their work. They said me “we will show you how work people who have all professions do you like, maybe this will help you”.

The result was surprising. I became interesting in Accounting, because it offered me a lot of possibilities. In fact after I finished my studies I got so quickly a job like a Financial Manager, and also I got a Master in Economic. My profession have gave my a lot of satisfactions, and I am sure it will continue give me more. Currently I have her thanks to my career.

Do you can imagine this? All was by accident.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What is the strangest thing you ever ate?

I think it is easy for a Chilean people tell you which strange things they have ate, because currently in my country we can find food from all countries, and also we produce a lot of strange things which are exported to others countries. Examples of these are earth snails, marine snake, different kind of birds, a lot of vegetables, and animals. Specifically for me, it is an easy question, because I never have rejected food. Normally I say to the people, when they invited me to eat, “do not worry about food, I have leaned to eat and to enjoy any kind of food”. Some time I laugh saying to the people, “I am as pork with the food, I can eat anything”.

My different jobs I made me to share with so different kind of people, some of them wealthy, others in the average, and another very poor, and I have shared and ate with all of them. Thus, I have eaten grass of which grow near to irrigable channels, octopus, turtle, eel, and goad (I am unsure about the name, but it is a marine snake).

I do not know, maybe you do not believe me, but I have eaten ants since I was four years old. At beginning, I captured them one by one in the kitchen of my parents’ house. With the running of the time, I put food close to the trash in order to catch a lot of them at the same time. After that, a long time later, people from Brazil and Ecuador offered me fried ants, as the thing strangest in the world, and I limited to eta them. They was surprising, because they did not mi story with the ants.

Recently, in my second month at CESL, a group of Chinese students offered me worms. The offer was not just for me, it was for all students, but I was the only person who came from not Asian country that accepted to eat them. It was so easy because the warms were dry, and they also had flavor to cheese. They were really delicious.

I do not know what do you find stranger? You can choose among turtle, octopus, eel, marine snake, grass, ants, or worms. About me, I am waiting for a new kind of food, a stranger one.

Nelson Carrasco.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My epitaph

The topic is easy and also amusing, the only problem will be complete the sentence that are required. I am a simple person, and I have always been it, then I think my epitaph must be in the same way. I have enjoyed each minute of my live, sometimes some little things that common people do not get realize, but I have really enjoyed it. Also I have made a lot of madness, though in the good way, them have got to catch the people attention. I think live and death are the same, maybe a continuous, maybe a two levels or steps of the a same thing, then, think about the death is not a problem for me. If I have enjoyed my live, I think I will enjoy my after live too. My epitaph won not written by me, I am sure, will be my family or my friend, but all of them know me, so I think they will write the right. What is my expectation? Something so easy, “This crazy man lived his live with passion and happiness, we know he is happy, the place is not matter, we are calm because we know he rest in good and god takes care of him, as always he made it”. Same people would think it is so elaborated, others would think it is so simple and ridiculous, but it is enough for me. I do not know, in my country is not a tradition to write epitaph, and I will be dead when my epitaph must be written, so I do not know if this will happen. In any event, it was fanny to write about it. Maybe my opinion will sound strange for many people, but I think, sometimes is good think about of the death, it a process that strangely we all will live.

Nelson Carrasco A.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Chilean Urban Tribes

I am not really interesting in this topic, and also I thing people can not give more attention to it, but I will speak about a group of stereotypes of the people in my country. We know them as Urban Tribes, because they are a set of rules and behaviors that just they understand and do it. We have a lot of these tribes, and each of them has its own rules.

If you want know their names I can tell you some as example: Pokemons, Emos, Pelolais, Hondulais, Punks, Artesas, Gothic, Darks, Anime, an a lot more. The common belief is that people from different tribes came from different social levels. For example, people say that pelolais and Hondulais came from high and middle high class; while Darks, Anime, Punks and Artesas come from middle class; finally, from the low class are the Pokemons, Emos, Punk, Gothic and Dark. But please, we must take care about it classification, because, for example, Pelolais are natural blond women, and Hondulais are natural frizzy woman, who do not dress any special clothes. Then, can we call them Urban Tribes? In my opinion we can not, because their kind of hear was not their decision.

The other groups are different, because they use special clothes and also have particular behaviors. Specifically, I will speak about Pokemons, because it is the more controversial group.

My country is so liberal, so is not important for us the way in people dressed, and although this tribe use special clothes, the problem with them is their behavior. It clothes are colorful, and their hears are sometimes colorful but always hairstyle is an specific way. But other thing is their behavior.

Though, they do not have a particular sexual preference, they have the habit of to kiss people from the same sex and to kiss a lot of people at the same time. Also they have sex with different people from the same group, converting them in a group of high risk.

In my opinion they are disoriented children, who need the support from their families and the society. It groups have grown because people have became interesting in them. If we would no attention in their atypical customs, and we will support them, their behavior will change.

Nelson Carrasco A.